

Error messages will appear in the top-left corner of the browser screen. Not very user-friendly, I know, but now you don't have to scroll to the top to see the error messages. See the blog post for more information.

Manual handling

Synchronous error (unhandled)

A function throws a synchronous error.

Look in the console log for the error details. User doesn't know anything went wrong.

Synchronous error (manual handling)

Add the error message to the list of errors manually.

try {
} catch (err) {
  errorHandler.errors.push(err && err.message || err);

Synchronous error (manual function wrapping)

Call the service using the errorHandler (kinda stupid).

errorHandler.call(undecoratedService.throwsAnError, undecoratedService);

Asynchronous error (unhandled)

A function returns a promise which gets rejected after some time.

Error gets lost. User doesn't know anything went wrong.

Asynchronous error (manual handling)

Add the error message to the list of errors manually.

  ['catch'](function (err) {

Asynchronous error (manual function wrapping)

Call the service using the errorHandler (stupid).

errorHandler.call(undecoratedService.promiseRejects, undecoratedService);

Automatic handling

Synchronous error (automatic function wrapping)

Call the service as you normally would but get error messages for free.


Asynchronous error (automatic function wrapping)

Call the service as you normally would but get error messages for free.


Realistic scenario

This is a more realistic scenario. Suppose you want to load some data "ajaxy" on the press of a button, you want the code to look like this:

Service function
function loadData() {
  return $http.get('somefile.html')
    .then(function (result) {
      return result.data;
$scope.data = '';
$scope.buttonPressed = function () {
  exampleService.loadData().then(function (data) {
    $scope.data = data;

It is obvious that any error will leave the user in the dark about what happened, without any feedback. We do want to inform the user about the error with a meaningful error message, but we don't want to write tedious error handling code over and over again. Now with the following simple command, we get just that:

errorHandlerProvider.decorate($provide, ['theServiceNameHere', 'anotherServiceHere']);

Try it

Data: {{data}}